Jan 10, 2022


 Road Safety Week in India 2022 – 11th Jan

Road Safety Week is organized every year in the month of January by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. A variety of programs related to the road safety is organized in several cities to enlighten people on road safety, driving rules and cautions. During the whole week celebration of this campaign, variety of educational banners, safety posters, safety films, pocket guides and leaflets related to the road safety are distributed to the on road travelers.

 At first in the year 1989 awareness for the National Road Safety Week was celebrated and at that time about 36,000 had lost their lives. So this tragic story is related to the observation of this awareness week.

33rd National Road Safety Week 2021 theme,  for this year's campaign, observed from January 11–17, 2022, is 'Sadak Suraksha Jeevan Raksha.'

Road Safety Rules for Kids / Children

Know your Safety Signal

Your kid should know about basic traffic signals, such as vehicles have to stop at the ‘red’ light and ‘green’ means the vehicle should resume driving, etc. Doing so will help them understand that they can cross a road once the vehicles come to a stop

Safety Rules while crossing the road

Stop, Look, And Cross- At times, your child may have to walk on a public road alone, He should know that when crossing a street, he should first stop and look for any approaching vehicle and start crossing the street only if there’s no vehicle in sight. Of course, at traffic signals, he should cross the road only when the light goes red.

Always Pay Attention – Listen to Warnings

Pay Attention – Ask your kids to pay attention to horns and even to sounds of the vehicle so that they can judge if there is some car or motorcycle driving towards them from a bend or from behind

Never Run On Busy Roads and Crossing Time

Don’t Run On Roads – Children should never run on roads as that might not only cause them to lose balance and fall on a busy street but also because it might confuse other road-users, who might end up colliding with the kid

Always Use Sidewalk

Kids should use a footpath (Sidewalk) when walking on the road. Set an example for them by using the walking paths yourself

Crossroads and Pedestrian Crossing – Kids tend to start running or walking across a street, anywhere they wish to. This is dangerous and kids should be to told to cross a road only on a pedestrian crossing and when the vehicular movement is suspended during a red light.

Never Stick Hands Outside The Vehicle

Kids often put their hands out of the school bus or at times, even put their heads out but this is very dangerous and kids should be told to not do this at any cost

Avoiding Blind Spots

Never Cross Road At Bends – There are blind spots for many motorists on a bend and they might not be able to see your child crossing a road on the bend. Hence, kids should avoid crossing the road at bends

Staying Safe On A Bicycle In case your child uses a bicycle, he should avoid riding it fast and always wear a helmet. Also, he should ensure the bicycle is in good condition and always ride it in a bicycle lane. In case the bicycle lane isn’t present, he should ride it in the left-most lane.

Staying Safe Inside A Moving Vehicle In a moving vehicle, a kid should be always belted up, never stand or disturb the driver

Being Safe When getting in and out of Vehicle

Always Get Out At The Curb Side  – Always get off the bus from the curbside so that there’s no danger of colliding with a moving vehicle

Never open the car door suddenly as there might be a vehicle coming from behind and sudden opening of the door might cause the vehicle to collide with it.

Never do the Multitask While Walking on Road

Be Seen, Stay Safe Never dress in dark clothes when going out at night. It is important that vehicle drivers notice you from a reasonable distance

Also, be focused on the road and stay aware of the surroundings. Do not multitask.

Crossing the Road Only at Zebra Crossings

Children should remember that pedestrians have the right of way at pedestrian crossings or zebra crossings and should use them to cross a road when vehicles have stopped at a red light. Never play or run at bus stops or on the road.

Road Safety Tips

Few important Road Safety Tips are mentioned below :

  • Never use the mobile phone while driving
  • Always use seatbelt even when occupying the rear seat
  • Don’t drink and drive 
  • Adhere to speed limits 
  • Take special care of children, senior citizens and pedestrians. 
  • Don’t drive under fatigue
  • Walk cautiously on public roads
  • Always observe other road users and try to ensure your safety from their vehicles
  • Keep your distances
  • Always wear helmets and seat belts

"देर से घर आए लेकिन दुरुस्त आए" धीरे चले सुरक्षित चले.

 "सुरक्षा के बारे में सोचें और सुरक्षित रूप से वाहन को चलाये."


                                                            KV KARIMGANJ

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