Sep 9, 2021

How to Select a Good Book

 How to Select a Good Book

The cover of the book is the first to check. Looks good? Go on, take it. But remember – a book cannot be judged only by its cover.

Go through the summary given on the back cover or inside flap. Does the book sound like something you would enjoy? 

Skim the text, specially look for illustrations. Good pictures will help you understand the topic better for non-fiction books and it will be an added attraction for stories and novels. Here your age also matters!

Check the New Arrivals Rack in the library or the bookstore.

Look on the recently returned bookshelf. You will get some good choices. It's a good guest that the books taken by someone else may be a good one. 

Get suggestions from your librarian, who would be glad to help you and may be knowing your likes and dislikes!

Ask the recommendations of your friends and ofcourse, discuss the books you have read.

Your teachers are the best sources. Read the books they might have discussed in the class. 

Check the credentials of the authors. If you liked a book by an author, most probably you would like his other works too!

Go for books published by well-known publishers. They select their books and authors judiciously. So you can rely on them.

Browse through the library shelves. Something will catch your eye. 

Read the book reviews on Newspaper, Magazines and Internet.

A Word of Caution

"No good book, or good thing of any kind, shows its best face at first"

- Carlyle

So, do not judge a book by reading just the first few pages.

Thank you

Nikita Patel

Sep 7, 2021

About library


Kendriya Vidyalaya Karimganj Library is remain open during the School hours for all students and staff of the Vidyalaya. Basic aim of this Library is to inculcate the reading habit among the students.


Opening Hours :The library is open every school day from 08 a.m. to 01:30 p.m.

Library Periods : According to the school time table the students of Class VI- VII can visit the library for the issue and return of the books during their library periods. They can refer books and participate in library activities during this time.

Borrowing information 

Students :01 book for a period of 7 days.

Faculty and staff : Maximum 05 books for a period of 15days.

Class Libraries : Class libraries are functioning for classes I to V.

Open Access and Classification :The library follows an open access system. The books are classified and shelved accordingly.

 Library Automation :The stock and services of the library are automated powered by e-granthalaya software provided from National Informatics Centre Department of information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India. The software has been designed by a team of experts from software as well as Library and Information Science discipline.  

International Literacy Day 8 September 2021

 International Literacy Day 8 September 2021

"Let us remember: One Book, One Pen, one child and one teacher can change the world"

-   Malala Yousafzai

International Literacy Day 2021: The day spread awareness about the importance of literacy. Therefore, it is necessary to raise the literary issues faced by people across the world.
The theme of International Literacy Day 2020 according to the UN is "Literacy teaching
and learning in the COVID-19 crisis and beyond." The theme highlights literacy learning
from a lifelong learning perspective and therefore focuses on youth and adults.

International Literacy Day 2021: It is observed on 8 September across the globe to
promote and support the development of literacy and skills, universal access to quality
education, and learning opportunities throughout people’s lives. 

International Literacy Day: History

On 26 October 1966, UNESCO proclaimed 8 September as International Literacy Day to
combat worldwide issues of illiteracy. The purpose was not only to combat illiteracy but also to promote literacy as a tool that could empower individuals as well as whole communities.
Due to this many people around the globe will get employment opportunities and will improve
their lives. Do you know that the idea of an International Literacy Day was born at the World
Conference of Ministers of Education on the eradication of illiteracy held in Tehran in 1965?
This day was also adopted as the part of UN's sustainable development goals program in 2015.
The issue of literacy is a key component of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Importance of International Literacy Day

UNESCO has been central to improve literacy worldwide and that is why promotes
International Literacy Day in partnership with governments, charities, local communities,
and experts in the field worldwide. By adopting various themes every year wants to turn attention
on literacy in all its forms in a changing world. No doubt without literacy we can't make changes in
the world and also can't improve our living being.

According to UNESCO "Literacy is the best remedy" which is the key to the right for all to an education. Also, we all know that UNESCO sustainable development goals mobilise
efforts to eradicate poverty and inequalities across the world, and improving literacy
rates are an integral element.

International Literacy Day: Poem


the light of our life

A gift of academic rife


the key to a bright and rewarding future

A glue that joins our dreams like a suture


A path to divine success

A smooth drive to our greatness


gives our thinking a different appearance

And helps drive away all our ignorance


It leads us to the path of prosperity

And gives our tomorrow a sounding security


the process of teaching and learning

Which will help us in our future earning


shaping our true character is the motto

Leading to a successful life it is the major factor


The progressive discovery of our true self

And exploitation of the potentials of oneself


a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army

A lifeboat that see us through our days of stormy


A torch of academic brilliance

And the backbone of inner resilience


the key to unlock the golden door of freedom

And stage our rise to stardom


A life-sustaining material

Without it, we can’t lead a life which is congenial


not all about bookish knowledge

But it is also about practical knowledge


makes a person stand up on his on toes

And helps a person to fight with all his foes


A fundamental foundation

For any country state or nation


A thick line between right and wrong

A ladder that takes us to the height where we belong


Mother of all profession

That helps acquires all our possession

Education Is our right

For in it our future is bright.

                                                                         -By Stanley Oguh

Donate your books who don’t have any and spread the cheer of reading! 

Happy International Literacy Day!



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